Sunday, September 29, 2019

John F. Macarthur - Strength Perfected in Weakness

2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Romans 5: 
1 Peter 4:10
James 4:6
2 Corinthians 9:8

Though sanctified I still am broken, temporarily. I live a broken life with broken relationships. I hope this reinforces the idea the no matter how mature I am in my spiritual journey, I will always be struggling. Let this come as no surprise. God is sufficient for me because He dispenses sufficient grace, shouldn't I act like this? the necessary power of grace and sanctification in His presence.

Paul wanted the corinthians to know that there was nothing within himself that could explain his success. Rather he defended his weakness, he acknowledged it as a reality. He gave glory to God and not himself. In fact he hated defending himself! He found it to be not beneficial because there was little scriptural verification to justify it. HOWEVER Paul has to defend himself in order to persuade the congregation he started into trusting false teaching.

God uses suffering to humble us, in a way God forces us to become weak so we may be kept reliant on Him. This is why He refused to remove physical from Paul, (i think it was physical????) 2 Corinthians 12:7. God gave Paul an assault from Satan, for the purpose to torment Paul so that he will not exalt himself. What we read in Romans 5 is that out of trials comes proven character, God wants His children humbled even to the degree where he even allows Satan to torture us to assist in our humility. God doesn't answer us by taking away our trials for that wouldn't grow us, but by increasing the grace! He gives us the sufficient strength to persevere the the painful humbling process. (2 Corinthians 12:9 "power is perfected in weakness"). As far as I know, Peter denied Jesus three times and was overwhelmed with regret and gratefulness for forgiveness. God humbled him through this because he was way too proud in the beginning and was probably unprepared to face the ministry that was waiting for him.

Usually the times in which the most intense prayer occurs is when we are overwhelmed with adversity. There is no one to turn to but God. God uses suffering to display His grace to us. God help

It's not the extent of my influence that matters, it's the character of it. If I want to be honouring to EM I must embrace humility. If I want to teach SCY boys how to be the spiritual leaders of the household I must embody King Jesus. It is through the death of my pride that I rise in the power of my weakness. Samson was strong in weakness, he destroyed the enemies of God. Joseph was strong in weakness, rose to save Egypt from drought. Job was strong in weakness and proclaimed God above everything else. I ask for relief, God gives me unrest and exposure. I ask for power, God gave me weakness. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

John F. Macarthur - You Are What You Think

1 Peter 1: 2, 13-21
Acts 20: 28
1 Corinthians 7:2
John 6
Exodus 24:3

  • God owns me because He purchased me, with His own blood!' Therefore I must take up my cross and follow Him through thick and thin not because I am burdened but because I should be joyful. I might have to give up earthly belongings and ambitions but at the same God promises that He will empower me to be far greater (what he wants me to be) than what I can ever do by relying on myself. Obedience produces blessing!
  • To call Jesus my Lord is to call myself His slave. I need to remember who owns me so that every time I fall into sin I can genuinely renew my obedience to Him in repentance. By this I need to acknowledge that all sin is a violation of our relationship.
  • To keep myself in check I must remain faithful to Biblical convictions. This means I shouldn't be relying on spiritual highs or signs and symbols but that I should be resorting to and testing everything in scripture. Scripture will turn my unbelief into belief, belief turns in conviction, conviction turns into affection.
  • God gives me all the right's and privileges of being His child. The idea that God want's me to be stress free, healthy and happy is a lie. I know I'm His child because when I push through trials it's proof that my faith is legitimate, I should rejoice when it comes. The assurance that I have salvation is a tremendous gift, so i should treat it as such. Trials perfect, refine, confirm and establish the fruit that is produced.
The bible is all about reconciled relationships. Shouldn't this mean that I must render love unto others. One of the byproducts of being regenerated in Christ is that we grow in love for fellow believers. (1 Peter 22-24) I must love until I drop??? idk ceebs lol. God help me

God's Glory and Your Purpose: Devotions with John Piper Day 3

1 Timothy 1:15
2 Corinthians 4:4
Romans 8:1

God is glorified best when he expresses the magnitude of His love on the cross. He doesn't need us and yet He loves me. I'm struggling to know what to write about since all this is amateur level Christianity. I lack gratitude, it's one of the biggest thing I reckon that holds me back from truly reforming from my old habits. I say the words "thank you God" but do i really mean them? How do I even start to begin to feel genuine.

I guess practically I can start to be intention in the way I read my Bible, that in some way every verse, every chapter, every book leads back to Jesus. 

- Help me be truly grateful
- Get back into daily Bible reading habits

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

God's Glory and Your Purpose: Devotions with John Piper Day 2

Romans 3:23
Romans 1:23

Last devotional was about God creating me for His glory, but this is about how I lack the glory of God. As I learn more about the glory of goal my knowledge of sin is taken more serious. I am supposed to embrace the glory of God, love the glory of God, pursue the glory of God. Somehow yet when I look at the mirror I tell myself that I should take a break from Christian. I deserve to treat myself, glorify myself and whatnot, fulfill my needs! I want to love God more than myself, intentionally doing things because I want to love God despite my feelings towards Him feeling lacking. I'm getting worrisome these days, not prioritising time as much as I should on Bible reading.

God help me this is horrible.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

God's Glory and Your Purpose: Devotions with John Piper Day 1

Isaiah 43:7
1 Corinthians 10:31

God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him. My purpose is to glorify God. Sometimes this can be a struggle because it requires a lot of discernment. What can and what does not glorify God. If alcohol is a gift then I must treat it as a gift, responsibly. The same would go to smoking, career, sexuality, social life etc. These might be small things but depending how I treat them, it can have great impact on my walk with God. This is a reminder that my life does not belong to me and I shouldn't trick myself otherwise, this is why I try my best not to complain when life gets tough because I know that when I persevere I'm showing that God is worth more to me than secular indulgences.

- that ACC will bear fruit for Australian Churches and those in Cheil visiting
- glorify God in the small things

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Overcoming Temptation Day 3

Jude 1:20-21
2 Peter 3:9-12
Hebrews 9:28

Bible reading has been such a struggle this week in a way that's never happened before. I hope that I can get myself back up on my feet. Although God does not forsake His children I am frustrated with the constant secular distractions that drag me away from Him. I ask Him frequently why it's taking me so long to mature in certain areas, sexual sin and bitterness is huge. Idk how much it will cost me, but I don't think I'll be able to completely surrender myself unless I am overcome with the blood of the lamb. My faith is too melancholy, i'm focused too much on the reality of hell and not too much the joy of Jesus. How long will these trials go for? Idk. Idk. Idk. All I can do is pray and try to live as Christlike as my broken nature allows me to be. 

I'm sorry Jesus

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Overcoming Temptation Day 2

Jeremiah 29:11
James 1:12-17
Lamentations 3:22-26

Following Jesus never guarantees a convenient life but rather that in whatever trials we face whether privileged or not, King Jesus never abandons us. He will see us to a glorious end. I know for a fact that in God's mercy that He will never leave me even when I temporarily leave Him. Regarding Lamentations 3: 25-26 I take this as God willingly responding with help when we ask of Him, so even if I feel like my sinful habit have gone too far I'm reminded that God is greater. There's no way too deep to plead for help with a genuine heart. However even though I don't want to be complacent I still sin often but I want to be fruitful. Whether an official leader or not, I want to lead others to Christ.

Jeremiah the author of Lamentations wrote this book regarding the destruction of Jerusalem. He knew knew from experience that God is faithful and that He would punishment would follow disobedience. God did however promise restoration and blessings. I guess I can take comfort in this, King Jesus help me!

- do not forsake John, soften his heart to Church and take him if it be your will

Overcoming Temptation Day 1

James 1:13-14
1 Corinthians 10:13
Matthew 5:14-18

I can get frustrated when I fail to overcome battles that I've been struggling over for years, although the battle is ongoing I'm aware that I'm saved by grace and not by works. I'm keep trying to remind myself that I should stop blaming the situations but rather myself. If I am struggling increasingly, it means that I'm not doing a good job at preparing myself. God doesn't tempt me but allows His adversary, I pray that I am not forsaken and God is allowing these winning and losing battles to refine my faith. Fellowship is important because when we're reminded that we're not alone in our battles, out of my congregation there has to be people who are bound to overcome what I have. God has given me the resources so I should use them.

- ACC event will be fruitful
- Vision team will continue to rely on and grow with you
- Idk, help me

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Be Transformed to Tranform Day 3

1 Corinthians 1:10

One the biggest indicators of a healthy church is expository preaching, everything we read and therefore practise leads to Christ and not our own ego or convenience. As Paul describes the Corinthian church as "brothers and sisters" he's empathising that they are family and thus should be unified. I hope and pray that I can lead others to the cross rather than cultural standards through my life. I should be careful how I smoke, careful how I drink, careful how I talk to others. I must intellectually/emotionally compromise everything to Christ so that when differences or drama need to be justified or explained appropriately, it would build up each other towards the cross. 

- submit everything to scripture
- pray vigorously for each other, loving them more than myself
- continue in my attempt to lead Lucas to Christ even though I may feel inadequate sometimes

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Be Transformed to Transform Day 2

Being transformed through Christ give us credibility as witnesses for Christ, this is an essential but not sufficient factor of ministry. Great achievements, clout, a changed lifestyle will never succeed in winning over someone to salvation. The gospel, by itself saves someone. While I may find it important to make preparations in being vocal of Jesus I must never priorities the method over the message. The preaching of the gospel is a bi product of salvation but never the reason for it.

Sow the seeds of faith and leave the rest to God - 1 Corinthians 2:14

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Be Transformed to Trasnsform Day 1

1 Corinthians 1:1-3

Church culture, although difficult for me is something that I must adapt if I'm to effectively serve the Body of Christ. God calls His people everywhere to worship Him and love one another collectively, there is no such thing as solo Christianity. Being seperate from the world more importantly means that I have to imitate Christ in belief and action. But God qualifies me not according to my actions but by his grace, my actions are a byproduct of loving Jesus. There are times however in which I would feel just as retarded as I did back from when I wasn't a Christian. Idk if that's conviction or just satan doing my head in, but I must look to scripture nonetheless.

- Serve God collectively not just individually
- spend more time praying
- be vocal about jesus today
- instill love for the vision team. may they get closer to u

Leadership Pain with Sam Chand Day 5

1 Corinthians 9:24-25
2 Corinthians 12: 9

People have disappointed me and will continue to disappoint. The frustration and pains I feel are not so much minimised but rather put into proper perspective. The way God uses my trials goes beyond my understanding and I have to make peace with that if I wish to be effective in ministry. I will never be a perfect christian or leader, but I can give all the credit to my Lord and saviour. Despite me hurting people and vice versa, God used me in my broken state to be vocal about and acting out the gospel . I believe this is what Paul was referring to in 2 Corinthians 12:9.

- forgive others
- forgive myself
- fully accept God wholeheartedly

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Leadership Pain with Sam Chand Day 4

Galatians 6:1-10
Hebrews 10:19-25
1 Corinthians 12:12-26

It's very difficult (if not impossible) to go far in ministry if I do not have people I can rely on however I have many things I'm ashamed of, things I'm too scared to tell people and I'm crippled when i hide them. Hidden sin is destructive and from learning from scripture Galatians 6:8, never leads to lasting results.

- put my identity in christ above all else, not social status or worldly security
- reach out to more people at Tafe
- be more focused in bible study

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Leadership Pain With Sam Chand Day 3

John 21
1 Peter 2:9-10

The pain in my life can only be conquered if my gratitude for God is deepened. In a Church context, bitterness is huge for me and I have yet to overcome this. I really want to because I don't want to worship myself but rather align myself with God's interests. John 21: 15-17 indicates that it is one thing to claim love for God and another to genuinely function in the body of Christ. If I do aspire to love God (aligning my interests along His) then I must acknowledge and throw away my entitlements. If I get hurt because of my attempts to please God in ministry rather than stay complacent in my own security then Jesus is glorified nonetheless.

"When we sense the overwhelming privilege of being God’s children, and the wonderful privilege of being called by him to care for those Jesus died for, we have a very different view of pain, whatever its case. Exhaustion, entitlement, and self-pity erode our threshold of pain, but a fresh sense of the privilege of grace raises it to the skies. And with that, we’re secure. And with that, we can endure."  - Sam Chand

- Love Cheil but love God more
- Adapt a discerning mind and loving heart. Help me lead people to Christ NOW rather than waiting for the job
- Pray for Lucas. Lord, break my heart for him. Help me love him like you love me. May he find necessity in you. Help him soften his heart with his dad. 
- Gloria can continue to serve and improve on her reliance in you in ministry. May she continue growing in Vision Team and afterwards
- Pray for Vision Team. Please keep them reliant on you, soften their heart to Cape Town. May Cape Town know you!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Leadership Pain with Sam Chand Day 2

Luke 14
1 Peter 5
Micah 6

I do not want to be a church leader. It's too much responsibility dealing with adult problems when I can't even deal with my own very successfully, at least in my own eyes. The biggest issue by far is that I have lack of love, which initially made me feel inadequate to consider church leadership.  I say this because Paul write that we must serve God's flock because we are willing, not because it's a job.
I lack in so many ways in which Paul would credit to an effective elder, but I am convinced I'm leading at least some people in the right direction. If I can identity things I can improve on it would be love, speech and forgiveness. I can never perfectly fulfill my role diligently but I take some hope in that as no matter how skilled God's people were He frequently made them increasingly rely on Him before sending them out. I have no idea how God's going to humble me but I take hope in this quote from A.W. Tozer "It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply."

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Leadership Pain with Sam Chand Day 1

Isaiah 43: 1-2
James 1:2-18
1 Peter 4:12-13

Growth = Pain

James 1:2-3 is all too familiar with me. We can actually profit from hurt, Church is made up of broken people so I will be disappointed inevitably. I think that those who disappoint/hurt me are even more rejoiced in my eyes when they repent than if they never did wrong. Since christianity is all about reconciled relationships, the knowledge of a fellow Christian brother or sister repenting in sincerity is more than any reason to celebrate. I can even rejoice in my suffering in the knowledge that God has placed me in this place according to a purpose.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Learning to be Content Day 3

Psalm 116:1
Psalm 34:8
1 John 4: 18-20

The novel "Silence" written by Shusaka Endo (later adapted into a 2016 film) deals with the subject of its own title. The main character Rodrigues experiences a personal crisis of faith as he deals with the lack of action/silence of God while his Catholic brethren are tortured and martyred. He wrestles with God "where is your intervention? where is your faithfulness? have your people not proved you enough? It's not until near the conclusion in which Rodrigues is brought to a closer understanding of God. Maybe something more protestant??? Jesus lived in obedience to His father and yet still suffered. This reveals to Rodrigues that God understands suffering just as much as he does and that despite His sovereignty and immense glory also suffers alongside His followers. 

Both the book and film are deeply personal to me and I figured my personal intake encapsulates these 3 verses. It's difficult to love others and sometimes difficult to love God because of His apparent distance and silence. But He sent His son who lived, suffered and died. He knows and understands my insecurities and pain. So when I rebel or place contentment in earthly values, I can furthermore comprehend the enormity of the forgiveness offered. For this i'm reaffirmed that God is good beyond my understanding.

- put my identity in Christ
- acknowledge the purpose of my past and stop seeing it as a loss
- Be a responsible drinker, do not stumble potential believer. May I truly represent Christ to Jasmine and her friends

Monday, September 2, 2019

Learning to be Content Day 2

Psalm 56
Ephesians 3:20
Romans 15:4

Judging from Romans 15:4 I wouldn't have come to the conclusion that what David had to endure before he became King was meaningless. I'd be confident to say that God was training David to be reliant on Him way before he was crowned. King David wasn't perfect but he was kept himself reliant on God throughout his life. This was made clear in the final verse of Psalm 59 "my God on whom I can rely". I hope and pray for this type of longing for God. David wasn't praying to God because he wanted convenience, he prayed to God because he had faith that God would be faithful to His promise. I've read the Bible in it's entirety twice from back to front and God's character has never changed, He has always been astoundingly jealous and faithful to those He loves. Now for me I hope there'd be a fear put inside me that the one who I worship is jealous, this is even more reason me for to come running to Him. 

- I cast aside my idols to focus on God diligently
- Be content with my place in God's kingdom even if I may not currently be joyful in it
- Instill a fear inside the hearts of the Vision team. Let them worship you wholeheartedly and grow in love for Cape Town.

Learning to be Content Day 1

John 6:35
John 7:37-38
Psalm 34:8

Psalm 34:8 "taste and see that the Lord is good". When I was was lukewarm, I knew that Jesus was some cool guy who died for my transgressions but when I became a Christian I learnt that my transgressions were a pretty big deal. My hope and urgency wasn't so significant because my understanding of depravity was poor so as I grew in knowledge I came to comprehend how good of a God I worship is. Now saying that, despite me knowing full well of God's goodness I'm frustrated that I can care and worry about so many things other than God.  On top of this, I can quench urges that are not of God. Struggling with lust, I'll overcome it because I feel like a disappointment to Cheil rather than a disappointment to God. I evangelise because I focus more on other people going to hell rather than because I want them to have joy in God. I should be resorting to Jesus, not my worlds methods!

- i don't take my bible or Jesus sacrifice for granted. I talk, speak and think in a way that imitates God's existence in my life
- help Sylvia adjust her devotionals healthily
- I stay focused with devotionals, stop getting distracted

The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53

The Suffering Servant The same god who wrote the new testament wrote the old testament, that’s the way I see it from Isaiah 53. I am a Chris...