Thursday, January 30, 2020

2 Thessalonians 1

Paul, Timothy and Silas are grateful for the perseverance and faith shown by the Thessalonians especially since they were suffering from no small deal of persecution. They were aware that God's judgement was good and that those who remained true to God will be accepted into His kingdom. Those who caused the believers harm will face God's righteous judgement. This letter goes onto say that God's judgement will occur ones Jesus returns to earth with apparently an army of angels? But those who remained loyal will be glorified in Jesus presence, and Paul prays that the Thessalonians will be among those whom God will award. Paul, Silas and Timothy close the letter by praying for the Church that they will remain faithful and help them to remain in their reliance in Jesus. This way, all them will be filled with God. 

- stop being a pussy. stop isolating and rationalising. open up to others. trust in God and not in myself
- take greater lengths to isolate myself in prayer more frequently
- thankyou Lord for being patient with a stubborn person such as I

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1 Thessalonians 5

Paul affirms that the 2nd coming of Christ could occur at any time. The characteristic of this event was compared to the unexpectedness of a thief and once this happens, destruction will come upon those oblivious to Jesus (living in darkness).  For the Thessalonian church though, knowing their conduct Paul says they were living in the light, not oblivious to the reality of Jesus and the coming kingdom. They must be alert like a sober-man rather than the drunkards. Those who know Jesus are the sober minded who are always on alert for Jesus with love and faith, with this knowledge they have the hope of salvation. God had appointed them to salvation, not wrath, through Jesus Christ who died for them. 
Paul says that Christians should recognise those who work hard for the kingdom, this could be from our pastors to the most simple door welcomer. We are to pray without ceasing and rejoice, showing concern for one another in exhorting the fainthearted, mature and yet to be mature, being patient with all. And because of this, we should avoid repay evil of evil but rather pursuing good collectively. Paul ends this chapter praying that God will continue to sanctify His children so that they be ready in their spirit, body and soul for the second coming of Christ.

I don't think I spend as much time praying as I should for the others at Cheil. Almost everyone I pray for are outside of Cheil, non-christians. I should do better. Out of all the Epistles Paul has written this has probably been the most chill lmao. These Thessalonians were outstanding. There is much relevance as I'm know the political climate has become increasingly more liberal, I should expect further persecution from my future co-workers and neighbours. 

- please reveal yourself to James Kwon. Help Jayne to persist in being a good witness to him and their parents
- Help Peter Kim to continue witnessing to Greg, Jonothan, Noah and Olivia
- God please do what you can to keep me reliant on you

Book Summary
Apostle Paul wrote this book around 52-52AD to the city of Thessalonica which is in modern day Greece. Paul wrote this letter to encourage the christians as they were being persecuted by their greek neighbours. Paul mainly empathised the second coming of Christ and focuses on principles such as Faith, Hope and Love. In the first 3 chapters Paul is grateful and commends the Church for their diligence and faithfulness in God. From chapters 4-6 Paul encourages them to exceedingly live in love with anticipation for Jesus return as he will come like a thief in the night. Paul ends this book by reminding them to pray consistently and growing with one another. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Romans 12:1-2 by Paul Washer

- Where do i find the motivation to offer my body as a living sacrifice?? where do i find the impulse or the strength or the passion that endures that I surrender my life to the Lord? This is not a quick fix but will can transform my life over time as I pursue Jesus

- (verse 2) and be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God
the more I comprehend and understand the depth of God's mercy (Jesus sacrifice) the more empowered i will be to grow in devotion to denying myself to follow him. This will be a larger and larger reality, being constrained to follow him.

- The more we acknowledge God's virtues, the more we grow in affection. This is why it's important for us to study the attributes of God. How can I even talking about having a relationship with God if I don't even know His character???

- What does it  matter if i know all the rules but there's no power to obey them, there's no passion and love. These things come from knowing God! Our Church leaders shouldn't offer moralisms or tell bible stories, but rather to exegete God. To labour in scripture, pray and to reveal God!

- Will my future spouse know that I love Jesus more than I love her? 

- Does P Matt and Jayne intentionally spend time alone with God? Do Cheil and I give them too much of a workload that they can't be the prayerful leaders they should be? We should be encouraging our leaders to labour in the text, isolate themselves in prayer pursuing God. This goes for all believers, we should NEVER reduce time with God to five minute prayer as a substitute for walking with God.

- We cant say that we embrace God with our heart if we don't embrace Him with our body.

- One of the blessings that come from being a member of Cheil is that I see people who love God and in their living I see my lack of zeal which moves me to repent.

- the word "holy" in hebrew in it's root means "cut", to seperate, remove etc. When God 
is holy it means that he is in a category all to himself. We shouldn't aspire to be Holy like God, it will lead us to self disappointment  and legalism. What does it mean for me to be holy? When I recognise God's value as God recognises His value and I live my life and do everything for Him. If I think holiness is nothing more than just being sinless then i'm gonna be living life just thinking about rule keeping thus turning myself into a pharisee, it would be legalistic not relational.

-cut out worldliness that's holding me back me and start adding things to my life that influence me toward godliness. Sometimes I think I can love Jesus, the gospel and study reformed doctrine but watches worldly filth for entertainment thinking it is ok and I'm above it, I'm not. Cut out the things that God hates, I'm not going to advance in Godliness by compromise.

-it's amazing the amount of freedom there is when someone makes the commitment to seek first the kingdom and they're actually as a life practice renewing their mind and the will of God. As you cultivate the mind of Christ, as you submit your thinking to scripture, as you learn to think like God thinks then you will understand the will of God, you will know the will of God in most situations in which there will be no need for visions or revelations because you simply know the scriptures. 

-we need to understand the difference between morals and ethics because there's a big distinction. Morals are the societal norms in regard to what is right and wrong, that thinking is dangerous! What society says was right 25 years ago is different to today. It doesn't matter what is acceptable to society or to my Christian friends, is it acceptable to God! Can God's word verify it and if God's word can't verify it then it is not appeasing to God.

Friday, January 24, 2020

1 Thessalonians 4

Paul moves from encouraging the Thessalonians from the first 4 chapters to praying for them. The church is urged to strive in the mindset of pleasing God. Refraining from the urges of their sexual impulses since they weren't the oblivious gentiles they once were, God wants us to honour the bodies He has given us. Paul then reminds them that God is displeased and act justly to men who take advantage of others, for they should rather be holy and not immoral. Anyone who rejects this is not rejecting the authority of man or any sort of cooperate religion but the authority of God himself who gave them the Holy spirit. Paul further encourages them to walk in love with one another, to make progress on this as their love was manifested towards the Macedonians (reference to chapter 1. the love of the Thessalonian churches love was so zealous than foreign lands heard about it). Tbh i found it interesting that was worry for this Church, something I haven't really considered or even thought about. This Church had heavily anticipated the second coming of Christ and had become concerned in their place of salvation if they died before Jesus arrival. Paul reassures them that as Jesus rose from the dead, even so God will bring with Him those who die. 

Apparently v17 implies rapture?????  All believers would be taken up to be with the Lord forever.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

1 Thessalonians 3

Paul continues on from the previous chapter regarding his anticipation and longing to see the Thessalonians by sending Timothy and Silas. Their arrival should raise the morale of the Church during their persecution. The intention also was to find out if Timothys efforts had been in vain. Halfway through the chapter it's stated that Timothy has returned and Paul is comforted by the Thessalonians persistence in setting their eyes on the cross despite local affliction. He then prays that God will create future opportunities for he and the church to be reunited. He hopes their love for each other will grow in the same way he himself has grown, and as well as God's intentional placing of his holiness in the Thessalonica Church's heart for when Jesus comes again. 

- Love God's children the way Paul loves them. Or at least to grow in it
- Pls in still persistence in Jooha to continue his bible reading
- Please place in Lucas heart a need for you. Please love him and his father and Elina
- Thank you for saving Peter Kim. Grow in his heart a zealousness for you
- Help me love you God if anything. Please help me love you because I don't feel anything
- Thank you for loving your children

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

1 Thessalonians 2

Paul informs that his intentions were never to flatter or deceive in his ministry because he's aware that his intentions are to please God not men. Therefore all his work is not in vein but glorifying to God. From Paul's genuine care and concern, he compares himself to that of a nursing mother to her children. Along with Timothy and Silas, they had loved the Christians of Thessalonica with gentleness. The gospel message was free and Paul never wanted to be associated with self interested leaders. This is why I assume he worked day and night in order to support himself as well as not to be a financial burden on the people he was reaching to. Paul thanks the Thessalonians for their response to the gospel message. He makes comparisons with them and the Judean Church as they are both being persecuted by their own people. The persecutors in Judea have angered God for denying Jesus and attempting to keep salvation all to themselves. 

- Love God
- Repent
- Love His people

Saturday, January 11, 2020

1 Thessalonians 1

Paul is very pleased with the Thessalonica church and considers them brothers and sisters. He commended them because they weren't just deeply rooted in sound theology but were also actively living out the gospel in a way that could only be driven by the Holy Spirit. They had done many good works and he was thankful for the obedience and faithfulness that was clearly seen in evident in their lives. Places such as Macedonia and Achaia had heard about their faith implying that the Thessalonians effectively made an impression throughout the land. This might have been influenced by the persecution that was they were enduring however Paul considered them been blessed by God to have the nations aware of their faithfulness. 

For context it is written that in Acts 17 Paul and Silas had to flee Thessalonica after only one month of ministry there. In this short time however many Jewish and Greek people accepted Christ. They were accused of defying Caeser when they pledged allegiance to another King, Jesus. This letter is Pauls attempt in reconnecting with his brethren after a report from Timothy arrived. This report claimed that despite the intense persecution they had and still were facing, they were flourishing.

- Please help Jooha during his HSC. Help the people who have placed in his life keep him accountable during his devotional life
- Lord help Elina pursue you, may you remind her of your character and your people. Please do not forsake her. 
- Protect our firefighters and wildlife. May justice be delivered to the arsonists and may they please know you
- Thank you that Cheil is a faithful Church

Friday, January 10, 2020

Colossians 4 + Book Summary

Paul expresses the importance of prayer for believers and treating each other with love, even those who aren't believers. He told the Church to pray without ceasing and requests prayer for himself and those spreading the gospel message.This must've been especially significant since Paul is imprisoned for his mission living. Since Christians are representatives of Christ on earth, Paul instructs that we do not become a stumbling block in our speech with unbelievers. We should both spread and represent the gospel with discernment in with time and gentleness, choosing words and tactics carefully to avoid offence or misunderstandings. This gives us the credibility of the Christian faith to make the most of every evangelistic opportunity.

2018 was a greatly impactful year, it was probably the worst year of my life and yet somehow the most important. Jesus found me! There is something I definitely took for granted tho, the vision team. I was too pessimistic and cynical to open any doors to be intimate with them. When 2019 came along I realised how much I cherish each member whether or not I was distant to them. We kept each other accountable, kind of. These days I worship God 12:30pm every Sunday and 2 hrs later without fail engage in slanderous to conversation with others once we leave church grounds. While not as vulgar as I used to be, it's to the point in which people will not see any difference in me than in any other non-christian. I'm a poor witness and it frustrates me every time I catch the train home. Did I have to say that joke? Did I have to use that language? How much did I represent Christ today? In these moments I miss Annie and Yehjeen the most, they would have called me out. In these moments I wish I reached out more. I know the way sanctification works, Godly character is a takes time to mature but man, I don't want to be a stumbling block to myself or others. How can I expect Jordan or Dennis to take notice of the gospel in my life if I engage in the humour they're encouraging? So God help me, I cannot do this alone. 

Book Summary
Paul did not start the Colossian Church and was writing to the leaders. He wrote this book to warn the church in Collosae agains't Judaic-Gnostic philosophy encourages the local Christians to grow into the best possible witnesses they can be. False teachers were teaching what was contradictory to Jesus nature and so Paul discusses the divinity of Jesus Christ who is God in flesh was discussed in the first two chapters. Because these flase prophets were quite convincing in their arguments Paul warns the Church to be led astray by philosophy, good speech etc. In the later two chapters Paul preaches on Christian ethics inwardly and outwardly. They were encouraged embrace/honour God in family matters and in our relationships with other believers. By setting our mind on the things above (God), we are better prepared to put aside obstacles that slow us down and prevent the spread of the gospel. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Colossians 3

Paul again warns the Church agains't the heresy that was being promoted, thus reminding them to stand firm in the gospel that they were initially taught.The church was instructed to imitate Jesus, thus behaving differently than other men. Earthly habits such as lust, passion, anger, revenge and lying are to be thrown away in favour for kindness, humbleness and communion with other believers. The subject is then moved onto family roles, the wives should behave in submissive manner towards their husbands and husbands should love their wives, not abusing their spiritual authority for selfish gain. I guess it would be safe to say that both the husband and the wife submit to each other, because they submit to God first and foremost. Then Paul then talks about how fathers should treat their children as they should encourage and love them, and children should honour them back. The Servant and Master relationship is discussed afterwards which can easily be applied to the duties for our modern Employee to Employer relationship. Servants should obey their masters in sincere manner, not just when they're under a watchful eye. The master should be fair to their servants. By doing this they both acknowledge their true Master in heaven. While scripture never advocates slavery, it recognises its relevance in society at the time and demands that it be transformed to the point in which it becomes unrecognisable to the standard 1st Roman culture. In the workplace we should reflect Christ!

The verses regarding marriage reminded of my parents. My father is cold and hardened by the immigrant struggle, my mother is endearing and has grown up sheltered. My mom is emotional, my father is not. My mom is Arminian, my dad is a calvinist. They have too many differences. There are so many reasons for them to divorce but their love for God somehow leads them to love each other. My mom has recently gotten sick, very sick. Submitting under her husband is routine, but she can't do anything in this state. My father has been taking a lot of care of her, going out of his way to do cooking, doing all the normal house routines. He has never complained in his life and he still doesn't complain now. He now wakes up earlier than usual at 6am to discipline himself before the word of God so he can serve my mom, submitting to her needs for the rest of the day. I guess this unsympathetic asshole can very well indeed sympathise from what I can now see, but at the root of everything he loves my mom and submits to her because he loves God. And so he will submit to her without grumbling. I want to be nothing like him except regarding two things, his work ethic and his submission to Jesus.

- Mom to get better
- Continue to serve Cheil in this period of rest
- Honour woolies customers more, stop with the bitter thoughts. 

Colossians 2

Paul is concerned for the Church since greek philosophy was a popular trend and could possibly infiltrate the community's theology. Apparently false teachers claimed to posses secret wisdom and transcendent knowledge available only to spiritual elite. This leads Paul to warn the Colossians agains't those who spread falsehoods as they care more for their self interests than they do the edification of God and His kingdom. From this Paul declares that all the richness of truth necessary for the process of becoming holy/salvation is found in Jesus Christ! He asks for believers to unite and love each other, Christians should rejoice in the mystery of God and the assurance of grace. For them to be born again meant that they were truly baptised, one that isn't essential for the outward display of literally drowning oneself to wash away thy sins. This rebirth means that they fall under submission to God and He not be considered equivalent to man made laws. Paul tells the Collosians that they shouldn't be swayed or insulted by people who judge them because of their obedience to God. In verse 15 God is said to have literally flexed on the ministry of death (the law). Jesus took on sin and all of it was nailed to a cross and God had made a "spectacle" of it all, triumphing over it. The God of justice has defeated the consequence of his own law without abolishing it! He is still the same righteous God as before, he has not changed!

-Help Erin rededicate her devotional and prayer life on you
-Please protect the firefighters
-Thank you for loving SCY and sending them out to the mission field. May they grow in you as well as the people they're about to meet

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Colossians 1

This letter is addressed to a group of evangelists/leaders whom Paul hadn't met which founded a Church he didn't start (wow). This church was started by one of his co-workers Epaphras who was actually a local from that city.  Paul greets the people at Colossae with blessings of grace and peace to them. He was delighted that the Colossians took the gospel at its heart and displayed genuine pursuit of the gospel in obedience. He additionally tells the people of Colossae that they need to discipline themselves, stand firm in the gospel in times of great persecution/trials. Apparently there was an early Christian heresy at the time which questioned Jesus deity, calling Jesus and angel! Paul condemns this. And so Paul wants to pray that they may persevere. The Colossians must prepare to suffer joyfully! Paul closes by saying that those who trusted in Jesus were redeemed by his blood, their sins were forgiven. King Jesus is the head of the body, and the rest of the body (church) are connected. 

It's pretty cool that Paul was trained up enough evangelists to start a Church without his participation. I guess it's a reminder that God will bear fruit through His children whether it be drastic or not. 

- fight my selfishness through grace and not obligation
- please Lord help Rebeccah in her time of doubt. Please lead her to reach out to others
- Help Kev wang, help him know you and quit his bound to be painful life
- Please protect the firefighters

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Philippians 4 + Book Summary

Paul addresses two prominent female leaders in the church who got beef, Paul pleads for them to follow in Jesus footsteps of humility for the to reconcile and be unified. Paul then urges the Philippines to keep their upmost dependancy and trust in God, surrounding every thought that compromises it. This comes by focusing thoughts on what is true and lovely, a thankful attitude based on unwavering confidence in God. Apparently Paul claims this church was the only church that provided for his needs and so he thanks them. He wants them to know that poverty and imprisonment is not true hardship for him, they have actually become his greatest treasures since they taught him the secret of contentment. The simple dependence on the one who strengthens him, King Jesus. 

God didn't allow me to remain comfortable this year, I struggled more than I expected but the simple fact that I suffered for Christ forces me to say that 2019 was a blessing for me. I don't know what God does in His timing but one thing for damn sure is that I know there's a pay off. My hope for 2020 is that God doesn't forget me gives me true power, the power to find contentment my God who strengthens me. 

Book Summary

Paul didn't write Philippians in response to doctrinal issues such as Romans and Galatians, this was more of a love letter in the more obvious sense. Paul was very appreciative of their sacrificial support for his ministry and he encourages them to live in joy and unity through Jesus. Paul writes that a community of fellow believers can only live in harmony with one another if they mutually humble themselves before Jesus, modelling themselves after him and reciprocating to each other. Paul poured out his life as a drink offering for the sake of Christ, and Paul was content! Tbh I think the main message of the Philippians is that by to centre their lives on Christ, they could experience the same joy Paul had. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Philippians 3

Paul enforces the doctrine of grace by discarding the confidence of the flesh as any type of credibility for salvation. He calls those who preach legalism "dogs", those mutilators of the flesh (putting confidence in circumcision), he calls those repentant the true circumcised (referring to their cleansed heart). Paul's earlier confidence was based on his own merits especially regarding his status as a pharisee, he could have boasted about this. Paul uses a racing analogy that while an athlete may stumble (fall back into old habits), they  reach the prize that lies ahead, Jesus. Those who have the same mindset follow in His example. Paul warns those who don't set their mentality on Jesus and instead get distracted by earthly things. A believers true citizenship is in heaven, not earth. Their culture is godliness, not secularism. Paul then ends this chapter by saying that Jesus will transform our bodies to conform to his glory at the second coming.

- Continue to grow and mature in repentance
- Lord stamp eternity on my eyeballs. May I throw away old habits and keep my focus on you
- Thank you Lord for taking care of Yehjeen. May she continue to bear fruit and glorify you in every aspect of her life
- Please open the hearts of the victim, attacker and their family. May they come to know you through this difficult situation

The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53

The Suffering Servant The same god who wrote the new testament wrote the old testament, that’s the way I see it from Isaiah 53. I am a Chris...