Friday, May 31, 2019

John 12: 1 - 19

John 12: 1 - 19
verse 10-11 the cheil priests not only plotted to murder esus but also Lazarus (the man he ressurected). They were so hard heartened that they resorted to work along methods that they clearly knew was sin. They wanted Lazarus dead because he was a living witness that Jesus had powerful authority. Sin leads to more sin and it will stay in that cycle unless we repent. I'm praying that God will continue to flourish Cheil in fellowship,  that we may lovingly rebuke one another and build each other up when the wrong behaviour or attitude is detected.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

John 11

John 11
verse 4 - this just reminds me further that whatever trial i go through can be used to glorify God. I can show that God is supremely valuable in my life by asking "How can I best react to this?" rather than "Why me?". I believe this because every as i read scripture, I've observed that God can make good outcomes out of any bad situation no matter how incomprehensible or unfair. I'm in a burn out stage, living for Jesus isn't easy right now but I am utterly convinced through scripture that God keeps His promises and will renew my strength.

verse 45-50 - Jesus raised someone from the dead which has only ever been done by God given authority, even the Pharisees who were also first hand witnesses believed this and yet they chose not to accept Jesus. There are people, no matter how much evidence they are given will never accept the gospel.

Monday, May 27, 2019

John 10

John 10
When the religious leaders wanted answers or proof however they asked with ungenuine and hostile intentions since Jesus kept going agaisnt their expectations of the messiah. And so Jesus gives them a clear cut statement verse 30 "I and the Father are one". I think this chapter gives me at least some assurance that I'm saved. Jesus goes on to say that while I can suffer on earth, Satan has no entitlement on my eternal relationship with God. In a world in which is increasingly growing in acceptance of feelings over facts, God has truly made it easier for me to narrow down what pleases Him and what doesn't. I am safe

Friday, May 24, 2019

John 9

John 9
A common belief in Jewish culture was that suffering was the result of great sin. However, Jesus used the blind mans disability to teach us about faith and glorification towards God. If God removed suffering whenever we asked, we would follow him for convenience, not out of love and devotion. Our apparent worship of him wouldn't be genuine and sincere. This man not only gained his sight but also spiritual sight as he wasn't oblivious in cultural misconceptions anymore. Tbh I've been thinking about suicide a lot. Much more than I should as of the past week. Again and again I'm just continually feeling downcast by the same petty things. I miss my friends. I miss saying the things I want to say. I miss being relaxed. I hate my overly paranoid and mistrustful mindset. I'm in a spiritual low I guess. However, I boast in my weakness as God has His purposes in everything. Perhaps God is teaching some sort of lesson that I haven't recognised yet? Like the blind man, God can use my temporary suffering for His glory. Victory is mine and victory is His. So be it.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

John 8:48-58

John 8:48-58
The sole reason why continuous scripture study is important is because it maintains our relationship and awareness of God and His character. In verse 51 "Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death" I believe this is referring to keeping us spiritually alive and active. Knowing Christ will make us spiritually and eternally alive beyond the point of death and understanding. Even if my spiritual health is less than decent at this moment, as long as I maintain the relationship and practice that God has set in place before me I shall forever be alive.

John 8:20-48

John 8:20-48
Jesus confronts His audience with their heritage. This was of upmost important in Jewish society as everyone wanted to prove their own lineage back to Abraham so they could enjoy the 'benefits' of God's chosen people. However their actions/mentality showed were instead characterised my worldly ambition and depravity. Jesus tells us that true sons and daughters of Abraham (those who love God) would not live like they did. My contribution to community, the way I was raised or how I act in public should not be my security in salvation. Jesus did all the work, my dumbass don't need to worry bout nothin else. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

John 8:1-20

John 8:1-20
This passage is as iconic as it is relevant. We do not know if this woman was a whore or a prostitute but that she was caught in idolatry and we do not know how long this behaviour was ongoing. While everyone in authority wanted her executed, Jesus reminded them of their sin. I've hurt so many people, ruined relationships, lied, cheated and worse. I am the whore that the world condemns. While I don't consider myself very legalistic, I believe that this passage should always be a constant reminder in our lives. When fellow Christians are suspected or caught in their sin, am I quick to pass judgement? Like Jesus, rather than punishing this sinner, I should do my best to lead her so she can restore her relationship back to God. God cares more about fixed relationships than he does judgement.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

2 Kings 24-25

2 Kings 24-25

The book of 2 Kings opens up with Elijah being carried off to heaven, and it ends with the tribe of Judah being exiled from their homeland. I think the message is clear, when we cast aside God for preferences or convenience the results shall not just affect our individual lives but also our collective society. This is just a personal application to continue pursuing Godliness for myself as God encourages me to take on the role as the spiritual head of the family. Too many times have men in Church been caught watching pornography, cheating, embezzling funds, prioritising career over fellowship etc. I don't want to see the highschool students (scy) leave church/christianity because of the sins of their fathers.

Friday, May 17, 2019

2 Kings 20-23

2 Kings 20-23
Over a period of 100 years, Hezekiah was the only faithful King of Judah. But even this didn't stop his son Amon from turning Israel back into Idol worship. However Amon's son Josiah acknowledged the lord despite being eight years old. In his eighteenth year after discovering the Book of the Law he tore his clothes and wept before God. He recognised how far his country had fallen from God and took immediate action. It is not enough to say we believe in what is right, we should respond with genuine repentance which requires hard work and change.

"faith without deeds is useless" (James 2:20)

Thursday, May 16, 2019

2 Kings 17-19

2 Kings 17-19
Some people over empathise our sinful depravity so much that they isolate themselves from everything worldly and become legalistic. Other people enjoy hillsong music so much that they rely the basis of their Christianity on emotion and become a new age spiritualist. The devil is just as deceiving now as he was in the Old Testament. Some people from kingdom of Judah started worshiping a bronze snake which centuries earlier was supposed to remind Israel of God's presence and power. King Hezekiah had to destroy the precious artifact as a result. What was originally meant for good became a stumbling block, this is as relevant as ever. We should be careful that what can help us in adoration or worship of God does not become objects or worship themselves.

This chapter was a lot more hopeful than the previous as King Hezekiah FINALLY tore down the high places and created reform. YAY YEET!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

2 Kings 14-16

2 Kings 14-16
Tbh couldn't find anything else to add other than people are sinful lol. Even those who were considered good kings still didn't remove the high places (places of worship without supervision of priests) that pissed off God. To be the most effective ruler under God we have to test everything agains't scripture and aline our ambitions towards them. This goes beyond what makes logical sense or accomplish a great convenience to us. Put. Scripture. First.

2 Kings 11 -13

2 Kings 11-13
We have so much potential to live for God but to also go agains't him. Joash, an oppressed boy raised by Priests was set up to be a King who lived according to God's interests but eventually became corrupted despite doing so much good when he first started. No matter how greatly accomplished our past is we must always live in the now, for God. In chapter 12 even priests couldn't be trusted with their funds responsibly. Though they were not dishonest, they didn't have the commitment to refurnish the temple. Sometimes God's work can be accomplished by idiots like me, I should not let my lack of experience or knowledge prevent me from living for God even when I feel alone. Everyone no matter their background can be used for God and be given tools to persevere and not be complacent.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

2 Kings 8-10

2 Kings 8-10

Jehu was one badass. A merciless and ruthless killer in his God given duty to annihilate those who spiritually perverted Israel. Although he accomplished much of what God called him, he went far and beyond of what God expected of him. Eventually he made Israel a political slaughterhouse without the approval of the Lord. Although I've never gone to this extent I can somewhat relate to Jehu. Just like him, if not careful enough I can mix faith with personal ambition and do things without God's consent or blessing. The Bible condones this over and over again. I hope that when people criticise Christianity because of the countless atrocities Christians have made in history, we can inform them the difference between the glorification of God and glorification of self. Thank you Jesus that I can always hold myself accountable through scripture to expose the true motives of my heart.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

2 Kings 6-7

2 Kings 6-7
Here we are reminded that those of us who know God aren't only obliged to be devoted to God in our hearts but also in action. There are two examples that were noticeable to me.
1. Elisha assisted a worried servant by miraculously creating a replacement new axehead out of nothing. Although he had the respect and acknowledgement of powerful people, we never forgot to care for the faithful needy. Our God given responsibility is to care not just for the glorification of God but also provide to human need.
2. When God blinded the Aramean army, Elisha told the King of Israel not to kill them but to give them food and water so that the credit goes to God and not man made effort. 

My prayer is that that in all good deeds I do whether public or private, large or small I will always point back to Jesus in both my intentions and verbal response. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

1 Kings 21-22

1 Kings 21-22
How often does one meddle in sin before it over takes them beyond the point of return? If Ahab and Jezebel had succeeded in anything it was that they had lead Israel towards Idolatry in a detrimental state. The northern kingdoms are eventually be exiled by Assyria in the next century and their descendants would never return to their homeland. Ahab, although corrupt had the resources to fear and hear God but always neglected them. He is the classic example of someone who acknowledges God but refuses to follow Him, this would be his downfall. King Ahab or Israel was considered more wicked than any other Israeli ruler but when we repented in deep humility, God took noticed and reduced his punishment. What I should consistently remind myself is that no matter how neglectful I have been, It is never too late to humble myself, turn to God and plead a genuine cry of repentance. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

1 Kings 19-20

1 Kings 19-20
Elisha slaughtered all his oxen (his livelihood) so he would have nothing to return back to, from this point on it was God and only God he would serve full time. For some people, severe adjustments and sacrifices have to be made to start a relationship with God. This has been proven evident in my life just as it has been made evident in Elisha's. I'm still hurt that I had to leave behind the people who I love most but I understand that God's plan goes beyond my understanding. He's already sent 3 of my old mates to Cheil which has definitely not made me feel as isolated as before. Even still I guess sometimes I still have to remove distractions or minor things that would hinder my faith for a particular day or time. I cannot react like I didn't somewhat expect Christians to have to die to ourselves. What Elisha's life proves is that eventually these sacrifices whether big or small create stronger qualities in our character. A strong character serves God strongly.

1 Kings 18

1 Kings 18
When the widow of Zaraphath met Elijah she served him with little expectation. Israel was going through a drought and she expected to die. But out of a simple act of faith a miracle came about. Even though miracles seem so impossible by todays secular and doubting standard, they all come about from faith and the actions followed by it. Something miraculous that I found is that I ended up in a Korean church filled with God fearing men and women. All the petty and major events that occurred in my life was intricately detailed by God for me to end up in Cheil. How can I question the mind of God? How can I say that I haven't seen evidence of His deliverance. I am a Christian because of what God allowed to occur in my life and I am saved because a seemingly scandalous act of love took place 2000 years ago. I pray that I can act more on faith rather than my own reasoning.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

1 Kings 12-13

1 Kings 12-13

This prophet had been given deadass orders from God not to eat or drink anything on his mission. He died because he was trolled by someone who be lying that he got a message from God. Wallah scary. Judging from the fact that many Australia 'christians' are becoming more and more lukewarm and cherry picking in scripture, a scenario like this will definitely occur to me. Let this passage be a lesson not just about the importance of truthful doctrine but also the astounding holiness of God. I should not be taking advantage of His name or be taking his commands lightly. After all, God did indeed wipe out a legitimate prophet for not obeying Him even though to us it doesn't seem like a big deal. Even though I may not directly hear voices or interpret visions from God, he directly talks to me through scripture. The knowledge I receive from this is all that's necessary for me to seek direction from Him. 
Thank you Lord for giving me resources to understand your character and your commandments in which I can apply them more and more. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

1 Kings 8-9

1 Kings 8- 9

Solomons prayer is a format we should all follow I reckon. His prayer is consisted of
- pleading for God's presence (8:57)
- for the desire to do God's will in everything (8:58)
- for help in everyday's need (8:59)
- for the desire and ability to obey God's decrees and commands (8:58)
- for the spread of God's kingdom to the entire world (8:60)
[Life application study notes ]

One thing that has definitely changed since moving to Cheil is that my insight on prayer has changed. My church life went from self interest to Jesus. I know longer have an expectation that things will go easy in life since I'm consistently reminded of what carrying my cross will do to me. Solomons prayer is perfect because it goes agaisnt the self centred nature of our self glorifying ego. It aligns our interest with God and therefore will put our beliefs into action.

1 Kings 5-7

1 Kings 5-7
Honestly idek how to apply this so imma wing it. Solomon put get effort to make sure the Temple was built with the instructions his father gave. He did this with the intention oh honoring God, he went through great lengths to make sure the temple was designed in a way that was appealing to God and his kingdoms spirituality. Appearently he sent twice as many labourers to foreign allies for wood in the specific purpose of making sure they weren't away too long from their family. He acknowledged that they were the head and provider of the family and didn't want to cripple that relationship. Solomon made sure that his kingdom was working for God without neglecting their Godgiven responsibilities. This may have been difficult for them I really don't know lol but I know Solomons approach is a mentality we should adapt. We should go through serious lengths to maintain our sight on God and family because there are serious stakes involved.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

1 Kings 3-4

Unlike those of the Old Testament we are blessed to know Jesus personally. We have wisdom that is observable, learnt and applied through scripture. And just like Solomon, it is within our ability to apply wisdom in corporate society, church and most difficultly our vulnerable space (home). 

Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God. - 1 Peter 4:10

I try to remind myself why daily quiet times are an essential, I could have knowledge and be wise beyond my years but still eventually cripple my relationship with God. This lesson is what stands out to me most of Solomons life. He would eventually write the book of Ecclesiastes which some depressing but necessary verses "life is meaningless, life is nothing without God etc". Solomon was wise, but he still succumbed to the flesh and popular thought/convenience, and later regretted it. Let this be a lesson to me to continue striving for God in times of convenience and inconvenience, the essence of Good biblical stewardship.

The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53

The Suffering Servant The same god who wrote the new testament wrote the old testament, that’s the way I see it from Isaiah 53. I am a Chris...